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There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "project update".

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1. Kenny Berg Research and Education Fund Adds Value to Liquid Feed Industry

In my professional role at the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), I am fortunate to have a wide variety of roles and responsibilities. Some are rooted in regulations and compliance, and some are closer to the farm gate. My heart will always lie with the latter. Perhaps working with AFIA’s Liquid Feed Committee best allows me to combine my formal education, scientific research and my passion for animal agriculture. It is through the Kenny Berg Liquid Feed Research and Education Fund, managed by the Institute for Feed Education and Research, that I’ve seen many valuable research projects come to life.  

Tags: Project update, nutrition
By Paul Davis, Ph.D.
2. Where Are Our Customers Focusing Their Sustainability Efforts?

It is one thing to consider our own animal food industry’s sustainability efforts, but it is equally important to consider the needs of our customers. We, being members of the feed and pet food industry, are an upstream source within their supply chain, but we may be well positioned to help them meet their identified goals and targets. 

Tags: Reseach, Project Update, Sustainability, Toolkit
By Lara Moody
3. New IFEEDER Resource Showcases Industry Sustainability Stories

Sure, greenhouse gas emission reductions often get the limelight when it comes to corporate sustainability programs, but sustainability goes much broader than climate change. Consider the issues that matter most to them, i.e., conducting a “materiality assessment,” as a key step in deciding where the company should focus its sustainability efforts to make an impact. This concept can be confusing, so I break it down here and explain a new resource that the Institute for Feed Education and Research is launching to help companies understand it even better. 

Tags: toolkit, sustainability road map, project update, material issues
By Lara Moody
4. Updating Our Feed and Pet Food Consumption Data

This year, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) initiated work on a project to update its pet food and feed ingredient consumption reports. The goal is to provide transparent data, quantifying the numerous ingredients used to feed livestock, poultry, fish and pets in the United States. These reports serve as some of the best reference materials available for those discussing matters impacting the U.S. animal food value chain. IFEEDER is the only public charity investing in this kind of research to inform decisions in the animal food industry.

Tags: Pet Food Report, Feed Consumption, Data, Project Update
By Taylor Lekin
5. Preparing for the Next Animal Disease Outbreak – Feed Mill Hygiene and Decontamination

Since the outbreak of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in 2013, the feed and livestock industries have worked to gain a better understanding of pathogen transmission through feed and the supply chain. Multiple studies have documented the distribution of viral pathogens in mills after contamination, the stability of viruses in feed and ingredient matrices, and virus reduction using chemical mitigants or extended holding times.

Tags: Pork, Project update, research
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5

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